"Meet us at FBF 2024"

Never let a bestseller slip through your fingers …

Be the one to discover and publish it!

Sifting through the pile of submissions

I happened to overhear a conversation between two blokes from the publishing industry. Being in the same space myself and confined to an aircraft about to take off, I couldn’t really tune out their rather loud discussion. The gist? They missed the chance to publish a bestseller and were trying to figure out how the manuscript slipped through their fingers and ended up with a lesser-known publisher. Ouch—they must have been hurting.

Well, I thought to myself, if only they had known about PageMajik’s Manuscript Assessment Tool, they would never have faced such a situation.

Intrigued to know more?

At PageMajik, we pride ourselves on staying ahead of the curve. We partner with publishers to help them find solutions. So, donning our thinking caps, our team went on a research mission to discover how manuscripts are assessed and what processes publishers follow when they receive solicited/unsolicited manuscripts.

Our findings were pretty consistent across the board. Manuscripts, especially unsolicited ones, are often left in the hands of fresh interns, working with vague guidelines. You can guess what happens next—many good manuscripts, with the potential to become revenue generators, end up at the bottom of dusty piles, forgotten in a dark corner.

After weeks of extensive research and in-depth conversations with publishers from various genres, our team developed a novel solution, affectionately called MAS.

PageMajik's Manuscript Assessment Tool does exactly what the name implies: it assesses manuscripts based on publishers' criteria and flags anything that deserves more attention. True to our mantra—Work Smart, Save Time—this module achieves just that.

Our smart LLM evaluates thousands of manuscripts in minutes and generates detailed reports for each one, making it easier for editorial teams to take the next steps. For instance, if you're a trade publisher, MAS will evaluate manuscripts in terms of plot development, character and conflict, creativity and originality, readability, and more.

Once this first cut is done, editors can make informed decisions about the next steps. Is the manuscript worth investing more time? If not, a polite letter (automated—yes, our team thinks of everything!) can be sent to the author, so they aren't left wondering, as is often the case. Rarely do authors of unsolicited manuscripts hear back from publishers.

To learn more about this solution, drop an email to sanjita@pagemajik.com.
And if you’re attending the Frankfurt Book Fair this October 2024, stop by the PageMajik stand for a chat. You can find us in Hall 4.0, Stand B70.

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